Birth of Light
October 2019

Birth of Light is a community performance model and workshop series.
It was designed for Colac Otway Arts Trail (COAT) North Launch and funded by South West Community Foundation.
The series consists of five community workshops including costume making, choreography, dress rehearsals, and performance day. The concept is based on The Elementals and the giving of light.
The cast was made up of 15 children, 6 adults, and backstage assistance from family and community members. The workshops were attended by a broad range of the community including a local disability group.
Approximately 200 people braved the wild wind for the outdoor performance at remote Red Rock Regional Theatre and Gallery (RRRTAG).

The WildHoney Elementals cast a spell over the audience in a celebration of art, creativity and community.
The performance started with a community lantern parade headed by the lantern bearers in an open field near RRRTAG and wove its way to the performance area. The Lantern Bearers created a stage perimeter with the lanterns and The Elementals enacted a ceremony that climaxed by revealing the wilding children exploding out of their wings like fireflies in a sea of silver and ringing bells. The performance ended with the Wildlings and Elementals blessing the audience in a giant ring of light and followed with dancing and celebrations.
Outdoor Lighting was provided and designed in collaboration with Nick Moloney Productions.
Sound technician – Oberon Wood.
Soundtrack – WildHoney.
Performance running time 40 mins (including lantern parade)